Monday, April 16, 2012


On April 16th, one year ago, the good Lord showed us our new daughters' sweet faces on the "waiting child" list for our agency.  We were taking our last training class and a couple said they were adopting a 7 year old girl that was on their agency's waiting list.  I had looked on the waiting child list previously but it had listed only boys.  That day we went home, pulled up the waiting child list and there were our girls!  We knew right then that they were the ones God had chosen for us.  Since our adoption was on hold for medical reasons, He even held the girls for us for another month until we were allowed to proceed.  Truly a miracle when you look at these cute girls and have seen how fast other cuties have been snatched up!


1 comment:

EJF said...

It is cool too that Betty's name means "God's Promise."