“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”... Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. John 6:9-11
When we first started our adoption journey, we were told by several families who had adopted, that God would provide the resources we needed for an international adoption. At the time, the amount seemed overwhelming but we decided to step out in faith and trust Him. We knew that no need is too great for God and that He had determined where the resources would come from before we even responded in obedience to His call to adopt. God often uses the gifts of other people to meet the needs of those who respond to Him in obedience. He takes the offerings of others and multiplies them through His power just like He did when Jesus fed the thousands with the small gift of a young boy. We have found this to be so true and have found ourselves falling to our knees in tears of joy and amazement as we watch how He is providing for our two girls to come home. God is so good. His love endures forever.
“I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27
I recently read a book entitled “Radical” by David Platt, a pastor of a prominent church in Birmingham. In His book, David Platt calls American Christians to abandon the attachments of this world and pursue God's will for their lives rather than the “American Dream.” He challenges Christians to lay aside all that keeps them from pursuing God's will in their life to follow Him and also to pursue His global purpose for all of us to make Christ's glory known to all nations.
I know that as I have stepped out in faith and have said “yes” to His will in my life, it has been one wild ride that I would not trade for anything else. I'm not much of one for roller coasters and this past year, I must say I have felt like I have been on the ride of my life with many highs and some very big lows. But the average “Merry Go Round” ride pales to the new spiritual heights I have climbed, the blessings I have received and the intimacy of His arms holding me tight as the ride swoops from heights to the valleys and back up. I know personally that as I have abandoned my own agenda for my life, what I think will please and fulfill me, for what He calls me too, I have discovered true fulfillment, freedom, joy and satisfaction that can only be found in a life abandoned to following Him. He gives my life purpose and meaning.
If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for me, you will find it. Matthew 10:39
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