While we wait for our court date, we are going through the steps to prepare our family for travel. We now have the boys' passports and today we went to the travel clinic for our vaccinations. David and I had to get 6 shots each! The boys thought it was pretty cool that they only had to get one each. We all chose to take the Typhoid vaccine orally.
You may not have known of our plans to take the boys. We feel strongly that this is "our story" as a family that God is writing for our lives. Therefore, it is important that the boys be a part of it and see the country their sisters are coming from, meet their sisters, see the things that we see and hear the things that we hear while in Ethiopia. We believe that it will help unify us in God's call and purpose for our family. Unless the boys see everything firsthand, how else can they understand what we are doing as a family if they stay home in their comfy American home? Going to Ethiopia will be an invaluable experience for them and us.
When we started the adoption process, we put our desire for the boys to go with us before God. We have prayed throughout the process that He would provide the resources for them to go. We felt Him leading us to step out in faith and go ahead and apply for their passports and get their immunizations. We trust in Him as Jehovah-Jireh - the God who provides (Genesis 22:12-14). Already we have seen Him provide in so many ways and through so many people. We are so thankful for all the wonderful friends and family who have stepped forward to help. When God calls, He equips and provides. He truly takes the offering and miraculously multiplies it. If you are someone considering International Adoption, please don't let the cost deter you. If God is calling you to adopt, He will provide.
Your story so parallels ours!! I think its great that you get to go as a whole family!!
I can't agree with your statement about not letting the costs deter you. Having gone through this process recently, You just have to decide your going to do it, and the money will come.
Look forward to hearing about your travels.
It is such a blessing for you to go as a family. We absolutely agree with you - we also prayed about along our boys to China but felt the Lord leading us to give our daughter the two weeks with just us and we ended up being thankful! I know in my heart we will need to take them to walk the streets of China and volunteer in an orphanage, which we will do! But for now, those resources we saved or at least didn't spend are now being used to bring home a sister!
I pray that nobody thinks I am inferring that all families should take their bio kids on the adoption journey. Each family has their own story that God is writing in their lives in His own way, everyone has different circumstances and all countries and their adoption policies are different. We believe that this is how He is writing it in our lives and that it is necessary to give the boys the same heart for Africa and their sisters. We also feel it is an invaluable aspect of their homeschooling. We will have 2 trips with the second trip a time for us to bond with the girls alone. I know families where the children had the heart for adoption way before their parents did but this is not the case for our family and this is why we feel strongly that they should go with us if possible. My apologies if I was misunderstood.
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