Sunday, November 6, 2011

Orphan Sunday

Today is Orphan Sunday and the one year anniversary of our adoption journey.  It was on Orphan Sunday last year that both of us were positive that God was calling us to adopt.  Today we celebrated Orphan Sunday with a luncheon at our church, joining other families who have adopted, are in the process of adoption or those who are just seeking more information.

Today we are rejoicing that the older boys in my previous post, T & L, have adoptions pending!!  Be sure and check out the upcoming silent auction to raise funds for their adoption.  I understand there have been some very nice donations that will make great Christmas gifts.  ( Continue to pray for a family for Z.

Today we are praying for the orphans in Sudan.  Our friends' organization Make Way Partners provides love, protection, education, housing and food for these orphans under very difficult and dangerous country circumstances.  Furthermore, the east African draught has caused their food costs to soar and they are raising funds to compensate for the food crisis.  You can learn more at

Today we pray for the 15 million orphans of the world who have lost both parents.

Today we rejoice that we can make a difference in the lives of two little girls and give them the family that they have lost.  We are thankful that they will change our lives forever.

Today I rejoice over my own spiritual adoption.  God tells me in His Word (Ephesians 1:5-7) that He decided long ago to adopt me as His child.  He did it because of what Jesus Christ did for me and it pleased God to do it.  He freely gave me His grace because of the One He loves.  I have been set free because of what Christ has done.  Through His blood my sins have been forgiven.  John 14:18 records Christ's promise before He went to the cross not to leave us as orphans.  I am thankful He was faithful to His promise and that through Him, I have my inheritance; I am born again as a child of God with all the special privileges and responsibilities of a daughter of the King.  Praise God for the Grace He lavished on me!!!

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