Saturday, November 26, 2011


Yesterday the other two families who are traveling with us learned that their birth family court date on the 24th went as planned.  We did not hear anything until today.  Our agency informed us that the girls' Grandfather did not make it to court and is rescheduled for December 1st.  They will know by Wednesday if he makes it to Addis.  They said this is not unusual to see and for us not to be concerned.  We would still appreciate your prayers that he is able to travel and everything goes as scheduled and planned.  He is quite aged.  Our flight leaves on the 2nd.  Pray for our girls as they see him one last time too.

Other prayer requests:

  • Michael has come down with a cold so pray for good health for our entire family now and during our travel.
  • Travel safety, timely flights and rest on the airplane.
  • A positive meeting with our girls and that we will be well received.
  • For the birth family meeting - we hope to meet their Grandfather and would love to meet siblings too.  We are told that will be unlikely but praying that it will be possible.
  • A smooth court process.
  • Our time with touring with Compassion and that God will grow missional hearts for our boys during the trip.
Thank you for your prayers and walking along with us on this wonderful journey of adoption.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

praying for y'all!!! Can't wait for y'all to hold your girls! they are sooo adorable!!!